Welcome to the working space for the Value of Craft Project. It is easy to dismiss craft as a sentimental pursuit. Phrases like "degrees in basket-weaving" imply that craft is not something to be taken seriously. But if we begin to consider the different kinds of value that craft contains, we see that it contributes to an extraordinary range of human activities. The Value of Craft Project collates these many values into a single database. From this, a report will be written and published. This will be presented at the World Crafts Council General Assembly in 2024 as part of its 60th anniversary celebration. The results will be woven into the United Nations [[Sustainable Development Goals]] in order to connect with global priorities. Meanwhile, this knowledge gathering will continue as new references are found to underpin the different values. It covers the following areas: ![[Practical values]] ![[Symbolic values]] ![[Ethical values]] Each of these values contains [[Claims]] about the way craft realises this specific value. Click on the claims to see their related references. A snapshot of the knowledge base will be published as a report in December 2025. Next year, this information will be tested against counter arguments, some of which you can see here: [[Antithesis - the negative value of craft]] Your feedback and contribution to this vault is welcome. You can submit a reference [here](https://airtable.com/applnzxzhRDQOQldR/tblucbJalV7tXXs2U/viwa0MD649Io2baO0?blocks=hide). Please see this [document](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sFmZti6Rmg6jfa-7geixcvlzHfw3_Ht4FniaNBwRDFQ/edit?usp=sharing) for other details of how you can contribute. The 2024 publication of this report is supported by the Ghada Hijjawi-Qaddumi Foundation for Handicrafts and Arts.